INF           Our contact and payment details are at the foot of every webpage.

Keeping Folk In Touch

For latest folk news updates from our Members, & to send us updates:
  • see UPDATES (send yours) page
  • You have to be a Folklife Member for us to circulate your news, whether for our Updates emails or for printed magazine.  For print magazines (3 Folklife West, plus 2 Journals, per year): £9 a year & you get a PDF sent via WeTransfer, or £21 UK (Europe £27; World £33.)
To receive our free "Updates" email list, covering all 3 publications, 6-12 per year:
And if you're on our "Updates' mailing list, you can have free entries in our   online Directory.

Below:   read / download our "Info" page (page 3 of printed Folklife West)

2 PDFs which you can download
  •  Download Info 12/7/2024 pdf  ~ our "INFO-PAGE" giving details of Membership, resale discounts, ad prices & sizes, as a PDF to download  (as updated 9/7/2024: with increased prices, and slightly bigger adverts sizes).
  • Ad sheet July 2024 pdf  ~ our "Ad sheet" shows sizes on page
These 2 pages are also shown as images below.